Special video presentation by Michelle Teegencamp, Registered Dietitian MS, RD, CSSD, LD

For Work Life Balance

The goal with spending some time meal prepping is to set aside a little time one day to reap the rewards for many days. This saves you a lot of time in the long run while providing yourself with quick easy options helping you stay on track.

Having a plan for the week, or weeks, saves you time by providing the opportunity to prepare one food for multiple meals or snacks. Also, look for recipes that you can double and freeze. This adds a very small amount of time while making the meal (or recipe). It allows you to rotate through meal prep and not have to necessarily make the same meal or snack every week. One week may be energy balls, while the next could be muffins and the next breakfast burritos!

The energy ball and chili recipe featured in the video both fall into that category of being easy to double (or triple) and freeze well. The granola used in this recipe uses very similar ingredients to the energy balls making them easy to prep at the same time.

It doesn't have to be complicated or overly time consuming to meal prep for the weeks ahead!