
More transparency 

We’ve spent the last few months being diligent in identifying who we are with our audience.  To put it plainly, we wanted to give you all a sneak peek into how we think, what we deem as truly valuable in physical therapy, and what a true rehab experience should entail.  

Moving forward we want to give you a deeper look into our minds and the inner workings of what we do.  We want to prove to you that we really are better than the cookie-cutter rehab mills. We spend more time devising an effective rehab strategy, more intention in connecting with our clients, and more passion in pushing the envelope in what physical therapy really means.  

Feeling smaller as we get bigger

As we grow in size we don’t want to lose focus on the client sitting before us.  Whether we have 5 or 5000 clients you should be seen and heard as an individual throughout your entire time with us.  

We are constantly coming up with ways to make each and every person that walks into our clinics feel like they are receiving a plan of care that has been customized to them because it has been and not just because we say so.  

If you’re tired of a rehab experience that has left you feeling wanting more, then connect with us and we will make sure you receive care that is tailored specifically to you, your needs, and your goals.

A deeper dive into evidence-based care

The science is constantly evolving.  Sure, we have a lot of collective clinical experience between us but that doesn’t give us the right to rest on our laurels when it comes to providing our patients and clients with the truth of what works, what doesn’t, and all of the gray space in between.  

Not only are we committed to bringing you care that is backed by science, we are also committed to admitting when we are wrong (or have been in the past).  As much as we are here to teach, we are also here to learn.  

Stay tuned, because we are going to take our content to the next level and we would love for you to join us!  Follow us on social media (IG: @hq_pt; FB: Headquarters PT) for all the latest info!
